Charter Sign-up


Individuals or organizations can get involved with the Global Ovarian Cancer Charter on many levels to help advance one or more of the Global Goals.  From signing up as a Supporter or Champion to starting or joining a local patient advocacy group, there are many ways to help improve survival and quality of life for people with ovarian cancer.

Supporter Sign-up

Individuals and organizations can formally register to be Supporters here.  Additional information is not required. Supporters are encouraged to share their endorsement via their networks and can choose to receive regular updates.  As a Supporter, your name or logo will appear on our website closer to the Charter’s official launch.  Supporters are welcome to go on to apply for Champion status at any time.

Champion Sign-up

Charter Champions are those who want to showcase examples of their good practice in action. Potential Champions need only provide a brief outline of the current or upcoming project that speaks to one or more of the Global Goals.  Champions will be publicly acknowledged as such during the Charter’s period of implementation with their work put before the global community.

For more information on applying to be a Charter Champion, click here.

Potential Champions can sign up early here.